Looking for water treatment solutions for your home, restaurant, or office?
We would love to talk to you to discuss what is possible!
Who We Are
JNJ Water Treatment is a small family owned and operated full-service water treatment company located in Guelph, Ontario.
The company was formed in 2012 after the founder had spent a few years working as a contract installer for another well-known Water Treatment Company.
After seeing people pay absurd costs for water treatment, we knew that we could provide the same quality water at a fraction of the cost.
We pride ourselves on first rate customer service, installing high quality equipment from reputable companies at a reasonable and affordable price.
We have the highest ratings on HomeStars in the Guelph and surrounding areas.
We service residential, commercial and Industrial customers.
Give us a call today for your free water analysis and quote!

Here are 5 of JNJ Water Treatment’s most popular products:
- 1. Water Softeners
- 2. Reverse Osmosis
- 3. Ultra Violet Lights
- 4. Carbon Filters (De-Chlorinators)
- 5. Iron Filters
What are “Water Softeners”, and why would I need one?
Water Softeners use ion exchange technology for chemical or ion removal to reduce the amount of hardness (calcium, magnesium) in the water.
They can also be designed to remove iron and manganese, heavy metals, some radioactivity, nitrates, arsenic, chromium, selenium, and sulfate.
They do not protect against protozoa, bacteria, and viruses.
Source: CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Click or tap to view the Model Fleck 5800 brochure
What is “Reverse Osmisis”, and why do I need it?
Reverse Osmosis Systems will remove common chemical contaminants (metal ions, aqueous salts), including sodium, chloride, copper, chromium, and lead; may reduce arsenic, fluoride, radium, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, nitrate, and phosphorous.
Source: CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Click or tap to view the Model LE RO brochure
What are “Ultra Violet Lights”, and why do I need them?
- Ultraviolet Treatment with pre-filtration is a treatment process that uses ultraviolet light to disinfect water or reduce the amount of bacteria present.
- Ultraviolet Treatment Systems have a very high effectiveness in removing protozoa (for example, Cryptosporidium, Giardia);
- Ultraviolet Treatment Systems have a very high effectiveness in removing bacteria (for example, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli);
- Ultraviolet Treatment Systems have a high effectiveness in removing viruses (for example, Enteric, Hepatitis A, Norovirus, Rotavirus);
Ultraviolet Treatment Systems are not effective in removing chemicals.
Source: CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Click or tap to view the PURA Gen 5- Ultraviolet Disinfection System brochure
What are Carbon Filters (De-Chlorinators), and why do I need them?
When filtering water, charcoal carbon filters are most effective at removing chlorine, particles such as sediment, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), taste and odor.
They are not effective at removing minerals, salts, and dissolved inorganic substances.
Source: Wikipedia
Click or tap to view the Model Fleck FF brochure
Iron is one of the most common complaints water treatment experts are asked to fix. It can affect the taste of food and beverages, cause stains and problems with your pipes.
We are here to help, with our chemical-free iron filter.
Say goodbye to stained laundry, tubs and sinks, and horrible tasting water forever!
Click or tap to view the Model FLeck FFON_FFOC brochure
Some of our finished projects:
What customers say about us…
JNJ Water Treatment has had many happy customers over the years. Here is what some of them say:
Do you want safer, cleaner water? Call JNJ Water Treatment today!
Clean drinking water – the best decision for you and your family!
To contact JNJ Water Treatment through email:
We accept cash, cheque and e-transfer.